The cause of most of the problems and complexes of adults lies in their childhood - everyone knows that. Psychologists assure that this is due to the conscious and unconscious parental attitudes with which they feed their children from a young age. Rare moms and dads think that all their phrases form a hidden moral attitude. Everything that is said to a child under 5 is especially significant, because it is up to this age that children perceive information at a subconscious level.

Step 1
Often parents tell their children such phrases as: "Woe, you are mine …", "Everybody has children like children, and you …..", "You are a very bad boy …". A child over 5 years old will ignore these words, but a baby who has not reached this age will absorb this information on an emotional level, note the discontent in the parent's voice, and these words will firmly become firmly entrenched in his subconscious. A feeling of guilt begins to form in the child, because he does not yet have critical thinking - he takes everything literally. For a baby, these words are an unconscious mindset for life.
Step 2
When raising a child, we all want to see the results of our labors. Therefore, we often say: “Mom will be offended if you don’t do ……”, “You are a good girl for me, but you have to do…..”. These phrases are an unconscious order, a latent threat of punishment in the event of a child's disobedience. If you use such formulations often, then the child forms the attitude that love can only be earned by obedience.
Step 3
Some mothers, in order to educate, tell the child about difficult childbirth, about what she sacrificed for him, how hard it was for her, thereby unconsciously instilling in the child a sense of guilt for her birth. Even as an adult, he will consider himself an obstacle in the life of his parents, feeling guilty for the very fact of his existence.
Step 4
It is also dangerous to constantly tell a child that it is high time for him to grow up. In this way all childish desires are suppressed.
Phrases such as: "It's a shame to cry because of …" or "It's shameful to be afraid …." - they close the passage to the child's emotions, make them forbidden for him. And in the future, this will lead to emotional constraint, inability to show your emotions.