Slow dance is the best way to please a girl. So, how to properly invite the person you like to dance?

- Confidence
- Neatness
- Natural smile
- Fresh breath
- Rehearsed invitation text
Step 1
Come up with your own invitation text. It should be as different as possible from the standard phrases that every girl hears at the disco. The more original the invitation, the better. Rehearse the invitation in front of the mirror. You need to achieve automaticity.
Step 2
Do not drink alcohol before going to the disco. Courage is determined by the inner state, and not by the amount of poison drunk. When choosing a wardrobe, start from personal preferences, but not from fashion trends. Stylish clothes can make you feel insecure or inhibited. Use mints for fresh breath.
Step 3
Choose the girl you like at the disco. She does not have to be the most beautiful, for appearances are always deceiving. Here the question is purely individual. There are no instructions for it. Use your intuition and previous experience.