Of course, all representatives of the stronger sex are different. But there are some common traits that many men share. Thus, you can compose a kind of portrait of the average guy.

Step 1
The average man looks pretty simple. He buys clothes from chain stores, preferring dark or classic colors. It is rare to find a brightly dressed, stylish young man on the street. Of course, there are guys who are very careful about their appearance. But this does not quite apply to the average man. The hairstyle is also rarely original. Even in metropolitan areas, you can meet more young people with an ordinary short haircut. And a very small percentage of men do hygienic manicure, although there are more and more such representatives of the stronger sex.
Step 2
Material well-being can be noted among the life priorities of an ordinary guy. The desire for self-realization is also not alien to men. But if there is a choice between a high income and an interesting job, the young man will most likely choose the former. Stability and peace of mind about the future come first. On this, the experiences of men, one might say, end. They are not inclined to worry too much about household trifles, like women. They simply do not notice some difficulties.
Step 3
Unfortunately, it is rare to find a man who likes to read serious literature. The average guy has detective stories or science fiction in his hands, but not classics. When choosing films, a young man would rather give preference to action films, thrillers, but not melodramas. It is much more interesting for men to watch active action or do something on their own than to follow the unhurried development of events in a drama.
Step 4
The average man chooses goals that are simple and clear. These include tasks that can be considered social stereotypes. For example, an apartment, a car, a summer residence, a prestigious job can become the objects of desire and envy of a young man. Guys choose different hobbies. It can be fishing, sports, cars. Many guys get addicted to computer games or abuse alcohol. Although it is worth noting the trend of transition to a healthy lifestyle among young people.
Step 5
In relationships with the opposite sex, guys are less likely to take the initiative. For this to happen, the young man must like the girl very much. Men are accustomed to the fact that there are more and more women who want to start and continue their acquaintance. They begin to relax, but at the same time they forget that only a completely desperate woman will tolerate an inappropriate attitude towards themselves. Modern guys easily agree to live together with their chosen one. However, not everyone is in a rush to register relations officially.
Step 6
Recently, the social position of men has become more pronounced. Some representatives of the stronger sex are struggling with injustice, rudeness, violation of public order, drunkenness. Many guys are in solidarity with such activists. The number of social movements is growing, the purpose of which is to improve the life of society and restore human rights.