Communication becomes an increasingly important skill as you get older. The rules for talking on the phone can be a difficult task for those who prefer face-to-face communication. Non-verbal modes of expression, such as a change in facial expression or body language, fill in the gaps, allowing the other person to understand each other better. To avoid silence on the phone, you need to prepare for the conversation well in advance.

1. Think over the telephone conversation in advance. If there are any special things that you would like to note, write them down on paper and keep them in front of your eyes during the phone call. Think over the answers of the interlocutor, come up with options, be specific. Think about the conversation about certain topics and be aware of what affects the person you are about to call.
2. Speak clearly. Use short sentences "on business" to start a conversation. This should give the interlocutor a general understanding of what you want to communicate to him and emphasize your purpose.
3. Make sure you speak and listen. For example, after you have commented on one of the topics, you listen to the interlocutor's answer, then say: “This is an interesting thought. I have two thoughts on this, the first is … "or" Good question. I think this project should have three parts. " Now it is the interlocutor's turn to listen to what you are saying.
4. Demand a response if the interlocutor is silent. If you have just spoken about something and have not received an answer, ask: "What do you think?" or "What's your opinion?" Perhaps the interlocutor does not know what to answer. In this case, you can adjust by saying something like, "Have you ever encountered this situation?"
5. Listen to the answers of the interlocutor. People will not want to talk if they are not listened to. Confirm what the other person is saying. Be patient, don't interrupt, even if you really want to. Pay attention to the accented words that are underlined in the conversation. Answer: "Yes, I agree" or "Correct." These words will let the other person know that you heard what he wanted to say.