Each family experiences its ups and downs at certain times. No one can avoid crises and quarrels. In moments of stormy showdown, you need to be able to stop and look at the situation from the outside.

Step 1
Most often a woman starts a "war". She is more emotional, she has a more sensitive nervous system. How do you stop the coming storm?
Step 2
Politely and calmly ask your half to shut up and then shut up yourself.
Tell her that you will talk about everything when she calms down.
Ask her to determine the cause of her anger herself, let her engage in introspection.
Sometimes this is enough to end the fight.
Step 3
Hug the screaming woman, hug her and kiss her. You will achieve much more with caress and love than screaming and swearing. Most likely, she will cry on your chest, and this will be much more beneficial for everyone than an argument.
Step 4
Try your best not to break down yourself. Create more space in the situation. If the screaming does not stop, silently go to another room or leave the room altogether.
Step 5
When the woman finally stops talking, try to calmly discuss the situation. You need to find out what triggered the drama - your behavior, her poor health, or a hard day at work. Or maybe all of the above together.
Step 6
Usually a woman breaks down to scream when little attention is paid to her, when she feels unnecessary and abandoned.
It is useful to surprise and delight a woman. It's not difficult at all.
Say sweet words to her more often, compliment her appearance, ask how her day went, even if it is not interesting to you at all.
Step 7
Share your experiences - women love to listen and it doesn't matter that she doesn't understand anything about your work. In general, let your partner know that you love her.
Step 8
Just like that, for no reason, give her a luxurious bouquet of flowers, go to a movie or an expensive restaurant with her, and finally, just give her a certain amount of cash.
Women are more material beings than men, they love to go to boutiques, shops and beauty salons and shop, that's the way they are. Having received money from you, any woman will immediately forget about her discontent, carried away by thoughts about what to spend it on.
It doesn't matter if this thing is useful or just a cute trifle, the woman's mood will improve in any case.
Step 9
If you do not forget to do all these simple tricks regularly, at least several times a month - there is no talk, of course, about compliments, you need to try to admire a woman every day - there is no doubt that your chosen one will be happy. This means that if dramatic situations do not disappear completely from your life, then their number will significantly decrease.