It is rare when family life is without conflict. The result of a protracted quarrel can be a change in relations, up to a break. To keep your family together and not repeat mistakes, you need to be able to improve relationships with your other half.

Step 1
Remember one golden rule of family life: after every quarrel there should be reconciliation, the sooner the better. Do not leave all the grievances for later, if possible, you need to immediately come to a common opinion.
Step 2
To do this, understand the causes of the conflict. Quite often, quarrels in family life break out over trifles, such as unwanted garbage or things thrown in the wrong place. In such situations, it is generally possible to do without "showdowns", but if this fails, then you will have to resolve these issues later, after reconciliation in a calm atmosphere. In the meantime, restoration of communication is in the foreground.
Step 3
Do not hesitate to be the first to go for reconciliation. This does not mean that you are losing ground. Rather, it indicates that you have worldly wisdom.
Step 4
After a truce, an unpleasant aftertaste may remain on the soul, this is a sign that you are dissatisfied with the situation. To help both parties get rid of this unpleasant feeling, choose a time and appropriate environment to calmly make a joint decision.
Step 5
In the course of a conversation, categorically avoid phrases like “you don’t love me anymore, so you do this” or “you are an exact copy of your mother / father, he does this too”. In this case, the partner develops a guilt complex, but this is a completely unnecessary detail for creating good family relations.
Step 6
To build relationships, use the expression: "I understand you perfectly and appreciate your point of view, but for both of us it will be better …". This phrase demonstrates a willingness to dialogue, during which you will find out and eliminate the causes of the conflict.
Step 7
In a quarrel, both sides are always to blame. Keep this in mind when trying to explain your opinion of a situation to your other half. Knowing how to admit your part of the blame will help maintain a trusting relationship. It is on mutual trust and respect that a family life without conflicts is built.