Correspondence relationships often fade away, not having time to spill over into the present. People are captured by events in the real world, and letters go unanswered. If you at some point realized that without a penpal, the light is not pleasant to you, you can resume your communication.

Step 1
Usually, the blame for the termination of correspondence lies with the last one who did not respond to the letter. However, since you are the stakeholder, you will have to act in any case.
Step 2
If the correspondence ended on you, and you just became for a while not up to the letter, you can think of a good reason why you did not answer. Perhaps you were vacationing in a country house where there is no Internet, or you accidentally knocked over a mug of coffee on your laptop, or maybe your hamster gnawed through the wires. Having decided to come up with a convincing lie, you must be sure that your counterpart will not be able to convict you of it. That is, you really should have a laptop, a hamster and a summer cottage.
Step 3
If your friend once stopped responding to your letters, try texting him again after a while. Do not pour claims and angry reproaches on him. Behave as if nothing had happened, tell us what new things have appeared in your life during this time. Be sure to ask how your friend is doing. In the end, perhaps he did not respond to your messages due to serious reasons - illness, business trips.
Step 4
If you did not correspond by e-mail, but sent each other real paper letters, consider whether the postal service was responsible for the termination of your communication. If the answer does not come for too long, write another letter, in which you complain about the work of domestic postmen. And henceforth, you can use registered letters with notifications.
Step 5
Once upon a time, you and your friend exchanged addresses, promising to write to each other, but you still couldn’t get your hands on it, and now several years have passed and write “Hello! Do you remember when we decided that we would never lose each other after graduation and we will correspond every day? somehow inconvenient. Take courage. Don't start your letter with an apology. Tell us how you missed your friend, what changes have occurred in your life and how good it is to talk with a person with whom you have common childhood memories. If a friend has not lost her tender feelings for you, she will certainly answer.