What Is The Use Of A Woman

What Is The Use Of A Woman
What Is The Use Of A Woman

Traditional relationships between a man and a woman involve the distribution of roles and responsibilities. A woman performs several irreplaceable functions: in the family, at work, in society.

The functions of a woman as a friend, spouse and mother

A woman can be a great friend of her man: she supports him, advises, expresses her opinion. A woman is able to open to a man a different vision of the tasks set and make his thinking more flexible. Thus, a man will learn to see more options for solving problems and soften his attitude towards them.

Communicating with a wise woman, men change their outlook due to differences in thinking and mindset. As a rule, the female half of humanity has a well-developed intuition; there are cases when, feeling anxiety, a woman warned a man against potential dangers.

A woman increases self-esteem for her beloved man, in most cases gives him a feeling of confidence and strength. Such a woman believes in a man and inspires him, motivates him to perform feats.

Maternal instinct dictates a woman in a relationship to take care of her partner and children. So, performing female duties, a woman realizes herself in the role of wife and mother. She creates comfort in the house, prepares food, is engaged in cleaning, raising children. A man, on the other hand, creates comfortable conditions for the birth of children and their upbringing, in particular, being responsible for the material component.

Woman as the lifeblood of a man

A woman loves and cares about her man: she tries to understand him, give him warmth and joy, be attractive to him. Such a sphere of a woman's realization as marriage and motherhood helps her to receive love and attention from a man in return, and she feels happy.

In turn, a man, receiving the feminine energy he needs in the form of care, support and love, also feels confident and comfortable. Such relationships are harmonious.

Another role of a woman is that of a lover, who both receives joy from contact with a man and gives him sensual pleasure in return. Sexual relations with his beloved woman help a man to release accumulated potential, strengthen self-esteem and vitality. A man who enters into an intimate relationship with his beloved woman reveals his masculine qualities to the fullest. In the role of a mistress, a woman brings the brightness of positive emotions into a man's life and enriches his attitude.

It is worth noting that in Vedic culture it is believed that a woman brings good luck to her man and his success, financial energy and health depend on her. It is the man who, by his attitude to the woman, determines his inner harmony and balance in general.

Also, in a number of other philosophical teachings, for example, in Feng Shui, the role of women in a man's life is mentioned as a source of personal strength and protection of his mental health. This teaching says that a woman, due to her unconditional love, is able to accumulate positive energy, and then remove obstacles in the way of a man. In Feng Shui, it is believed that a harmonious union of a man and a woman, due to the interaction of their energies, can bring absolute happiness and benefit to each of them.
