There is too much violence in modern society. Films, computer games are filled with fights, shooting, blood. Anger, indifference becomes more and more, and kindness - less. How can you cultivate kindness in your child if there is so much negative information and evil around?

Step 1
First of all, any upbringing begins with a personal example. You can inspire a child for hours that you need to be kind, but this will remain empty words if you yourself do not particularly show this quality. You can cultivate kindness only by kindness.
Step 2
Kindness should be taught unobtrusively, drawing the baby's attention, first of all, to the personality of another person, to his state of mind. “No need to offend others, you need to help, calm down”. First, it is necessary to foster in the child a kind, caring attitude towards family members. From two years old to teach to help parents. And here it is important that the child is happy with what he is doing, so do not scold him if something does not work out. Gradually, the baby will get used to it, and helping, sympathizing with loved ones will become the norm for him.
Step 3
Be patient. You cannot teach kindness in one day. Use life situations, cartoons, books to help show what kindness is.
Step 4
Try not to talk to your child from an adult perspective. Sit down so that your eyes are level with your baby's. The first lessons of kindness to a child are given by parents. With a look that expresses love, a gentle voice. The kid copies our behavior, acts according to our model. And how often does your child see you smiling, calm? Think about it.
Step 5
Children 3-5 years old are very helpful. They readily respond to the experiences of others: they rejoice, cry with other children. Take advantage of this moment. At this age, emotions are actively formed: love, tenderness, pity, compassion.
Step 6
A good effect is given by the game "Good Deeds", when the child makes small surprises, gives flowers, his drawings to relatives or friends, treats other children on the playground with cookies and sweets. You can think of quite a lot of such small and pleasant for the child and for the surrounding tasks-actions. By doing them, your baby raises self-esteem, learns not only to demand and take from life, but also to give.
Step 7
Help the children, teach them to express their feelings, to label them with words, to speak them out. So he will learn not only to understand his emotions, but also to feel other people.