Paying attention to the mental and physical development of the child, one should not forget about the spiritual, personal development, which implies the assimilation of moral and ethical principles by the child, the formation of human qualities in him. Personal development is observed when the baby grows up, his inner world and his very behavior change. But it is necessary to bring up the best human qualities in a baby - kindness and mercy - from an early age.

Step 1
Everything that a child hears and sees in the very first years of his life is deposited in his memory. From an early age, instill in your baby a sensitive emotional perception of nature. It is important that he not only sees the beauty of nature, but also feels it, rejoices in it. On each walk, be sure to observe with your child the pictures of the world around you. Try to spark his interest in comprehending natural beauty. Here are bright fragrant flowers, velvet grass, yellow leaves, sleepy birches, diamond dewdrops, a rainbow over the field … As a result, he will form not only a high aesthetic, but also spiritual culture, the ability to preserve the beauty of his native land.
Step 2
To develop personally, a child needs to do more than consume. Try to organize his life so that the baby can both take and give. He must have serious ongoing responsibilities: to do something around the house, to take care of someone. In no case do not force the crumbs. Be able to organize it in such a way that the kid himself wants to help, because this enhances his status in the family and earns the respect of those around him.
Step 3
Create chores for your child and make them enjoyable. Great if you have a pet at home. The kid can make sure that there is always water in the cat's bowl, take the dog for a walk with you, water the flowers.
Step 4
On the street, show your baby how to feed the birds with seeds or bread, invite him to try to do it himself. At the same time, tell the baby how grateful the birds are to him, how difficult it is for them to find food themselves. In winter, make bird feeders with the baby and put food in them.
Step 5
Teach your baby to take care of you, grandmother, grandfather. Let it be some little things - it is important for him to feel how pleasant it is to help his mother, to take care of someone. Explain to the baby that people, like animals and flowers, need love and care, that if they lack this, they become unfriendly and angry - such people need to be pitied, treat them with understanding, because they simply did not have enough love. Tell your child that in all life situations, as in fairy tales, only good people win, their opinions are listened to, and they are respected. Such people, not holding evil, with a pure soul, always live happily and for a long time.