The character of a child is formed from early childhood and is constantly changing. The kid is trying to "find" his place in this world, using various demeanors. What character the child will eventually have depends largely on his upbringing by his parents.

Step 1
If you are punishing a child, be sure to explain why he is being punished and why it should not be done. If the child does not understand the reasons for punishment, it does not seem fair to him. In this case, he can come to the conclusion that it is possible to apply punishment to people just like that, when he pleases.
Step 2
Establish a number of rules that must be followed, not only by the child, but also by the parents. This will help to properly educate the character of the child. Explain to your child why you need to follow the rules at home, at school, in public places. Come up with and discuss together the penalties that will follow for not following each rule. Thus, from childhood, a child will learn to adhere to certain norms and boundaries in behavior, words, actions, and will develop discipline and responsibility.
Step 3
Remember, the likelihood of raising a child's character is higher in complete families than in a single parent family. The child should receive the same amount of care and participation, both from the mother and from the father, while clearly learning to deal with the opposite sex. In most cases, the child in the future does not follow the words of the parents, but their example.
Step 4
Think of your child as an adult. Consult with him and ask for his opinion on family, home, school, hobbies, etc. Insist on independence in the responsibilities that are assigned to him by his age. Thus, you will form the most important trait in the child's character - perseverance in achieving the set goals and teach him to be thrift.
Step 5
Keep track of changes in your child's behavior, especially in the face of changes in his life. Having noticed positive or negative tendencies in time, you can quickly react to them - develop or stop them.