How To Cultivate Courage In A Child

How To Cultivate Courage In A Child
How To Cultivate Courage In A Child

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Courage does not mean a complete absence of fear and the desire to always go ahead. It is rather an awareness of a possible danger, but determination in achieving one's goals, a willingness to take risks, realizing that there are much more important things in life than fear. Those. it is an independent choice of a person.

How to cultivate courage in a child
How to cultivate courage in a child


Step 1

It is very difficult to cultivate courage in a child, but every parent is obliged to encourage it. First of all, they must show him those values in life that are much more important than any fear. It is necessary to explain to the child that the feeling of fear is a normal human reaction that is characteristic of all sane people. The brave is the person who strives towards his goal, despite all fears that something will not work out for him. Taking the first step is always scary, it is always associated with a certain risk, for this you need to have courage, but standing still, doing nothing, is much worse.

Step 2

Children really need confidence in themselves and their parents. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate this confidence in them as they grow up. It is she who, first of all, contributes to the development in the child of such qualities as masculinity and decisiveness. If parents sincerely believe in their child, then he easily goes through life, easily overcoming all the problems that appear in his path. And, on the contrary, constant concern for him, lack of confidence in his strengths and abilities, the desire to save him from mistakes and possible dangers cause fear in the baby for any step he takes.

Step 3

Undoubtedly, there is probably no such parent who would not seek to protect his child from falls and disappointments, who would not want to help him correct all his mistakes, being ready to do anything to make him perfect. Some parents are very emotional about their children's failures. For example, this may concern school homework that adults can do on their own, as long as everything is done correctly. But such an attitude towards mistakes and failures will only make the baby even more afraid. He will not have the desire, having made a mistake once, to get up and try again. It is necessary to explain to the child that all his failures are just an experience that can ultimately lead to victory, that something can be achieved in life only by overcoming obstacles, and not by running away from them.

Step 4

A brave person knows how to take risks. He is strong and learns from his mistakes. Criticizing and punishing a child for any of his mistakes will lead to the fact that he will begin to avoid any difficulties and serious cases because of the fear of being punished. Therefore, when a child is worried and worried about something unknown, you need to show him all the possible results of his actions. It is necessary to teach him to predict the result, to be able to focus on it, and not on the path to achieving the goal.
