Kindness is one of the most important traits in a person's character. That is why many parents from childhood try to instill such qualities in their child. There are a few tips for fostering a sense of kindness in your child.

In order to raise a child to be a strong personality, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of such qualities as generosity, kindness and responsiveness in him. It is important to teach him to communicate with people in a friendly manner, to be sympathetic and kind.
The main role model for the child is his parents. It is their behavior and attitude towards people that the child copies. If the baby sees mercy and kindness, warm relations of relatives, then he will take this behavior for granted.
It is worth explaining to the kid that there is still hostility and danger in the world. In this case, there is no need to frighten the child. You just need to suggest how to behave correctly when you find yourself in a dangerous situation.
Caring parents should understand that while developing kindness in their child, one should not encourage selfishness, condescending attitude, tantrums. It is necessary to surround your baby with care and love, but within acceptable limits.
The parents themselves should show a caring attitude towards their elderly relatives, help them, and support them. The child should understand the importance of communication and caring for old people. It is important to teach the child to do good deeds: to take the old woman across the road, make a bird feeder, feed a stray animal.
If the baby has done a bad deed, you need to teach him to apologize so that he understands that he has hurt or hurt another person. You need to teach to show tender feelings for people. At the same time, one cannot press on pity, so that the child does not feel guilty, depressed.
It is imperative to restrain irritability and negative emotions. If the parents are annoyed, you shouldn't show it to the child. Parents themselves should minimize scandals and swearing with people. Otherwise, the child will learn to scandalize for any reason and achieve his goal by screaming and crying.
If the child is hyperactive, it is necessary to channel his energy into a peaceful channel. Ask him for help with the housework, to give him the opportunity to feel adult and needed. That being said, adults need to be patient. If the baby does not succeed in everything the first time, it is worth explaining gently what is the reason, how to do the right thing.
The child is a reflection of the actions and behavior of the parents. The behavior of a small person depends on how adults behave. Develop love for others in your child, and your baby will grow up to be a kind, sympathetic and decent person, the pride of his parents.