The development of the child's sex-role behavior is laid in the family. In this case, the model of behavior is transmitted not only to parents of the same sex with the child, but also to the opposite sex. Parental attitude towards the baby significantly affects the formation of his character in the future.

Step 1
Remember, a mother should cultivate masculinity in her son, treat him like a future man, projecting onto him those features that she has associated with the image of a real man. In addition, her attitude towards her husband and respect for his male role also has an impact on how the son will relate to his own masculinity. In Russian culture, the images of masculinity and femininity are often rigidly defined and extremely polarized: masculinity is associated with activity, toughness, even rudeness, and femininity with passivity, emotionality, sacrifice.
Step 2
Keep in mind that if a child grows up, accepting the categorical framework of his own gender-role identity, it may be more difficult for him to realize himself and develop various aspects of his personality: for a girl to be more active and be able to stand up for herself, achieve goals, and for a boy to be in contact with his feelings, accept your emotionality.
Step 3
Please note that communication with mothers, especially at an early age, is necessary for both the girl and the boy. Mom can teach the boy to fit the image of a real man, and good respectful relationships in the family will form this model for his son as a successful one.
Step 4
Keep in mind that the father's acceptance of his daughter's femininity reinforces her self-confidence as a woman, which is important for her mental and personal health. In the process of raising children, the relationship between spouses is very important. If they are unsatisfactory, then the child often becomes the object of manipulation and strong attachment to one of the parents. The younger the child, the more important the mom-dad-child relationship is in assessing the well-being of the child's development.
Step 5
Be careful, there is an element of instability in the relationship between parent and child between the ages of three and six. This is often due to a lack of understanding in the family. The kid sees how parents quarrel, and sometimes they fight, throwing objects at each other. All this brings elements of irritability and anxiety into the character of the baby. This begins to manifest itself in nightmares, urinary incontinence, difficulties in the development of speech and learning, fear of loneliness, fear of injury, etc.