Happiness has a huge meaning in people's lives. Some are used to fighting for it, while others give up and just wait for it to come to their home.

What is happiness?
Before fighting for happiness, you need to figure out what exactly makes a woman happy, what gives her a sense of harmony, makes her blossom in lush color even in the middle of winter? How does she get happy? It turns out that quite a bit is needed for happiness. Mutual love, a harmonious family, in which healthy children, creative self-realization, which helps to be in harmony, gives energy to maintain all this happiness.
A happy woman does not rebel, does not fight for her rights and independence, does not do business from morning to evening, not noticing how her children are growing up.
Any woman was created specifically for happiness, which means you need to fight for it, or rather, create it! You must definitely fight, exerting all your strength, not being afraid of difficulties on the way, you need to go to him, bring him closer in order to realize exactly your own female happiness.
Happiness must be chosen
There is one secret that brings a woman closer to her happiness as quickly as she wants to. It is known that the closer a woman is to her natural essence, the happier she is. To truly become happy, you need to develop your intuition associated with natural rhythms, and then it will not fail with the choice of a loved one who will make and share happiness with you. The essence of feminine nature is that she was created to be a wife and mother, humble and wise.
She should always be sure that there will be someone who can take care of her.
A woman should create her home filled with love and harmony. She herself carries happiness, and the struggle for it begins inside, with the choice to become happy. Femininity, sensitivity, understanding of one's nature, self-confidence - will always attract courage and a desire to protect, generosity and strength. All this together will create a harmonious union, a happy family that is able to endure any adversity, raise happy children, and realize male and female potential to the maximum.
The struggle for happiness is carried out daily. You need to invest in it the energy of love and the power of wisdom, responding to changes, innovations, behavior, mood. Try to accept yourself and your partner without criticizing or breaking with fleeting words and thoughts.
Try to make plans for the future, dream, travel, learn new things together, surprise, not be afraid to expand the boundaries of the familiar, give in, meet halfway, be flexible and worthy. This is the true struggle for real happiness, which will bear worthy results.