What actions should parents take when they see child conflict? What are the ways to reconcile children quickly and so that they themselves can later reconcile on their own, without the help of adults?

Childhood conflicts are not uncommon. They arise in the process of playing, studying, walking or during normal communication. Children's conflict can be encountered not only at home, but also in a public place, and at the same time become a target for censure.
In fact, a conflict is not bad, it is worse when it ends in a fatal offense, since children do not know how to resolve the situation constructively. Due to their age, they do not always succeed in agreeing which of them is in charge and who should yield to whom; some cannot cope with their emotional state, while others get more attention from their parents, and so on. In fact, there can be many reasons and reasons for conflict, so children need to be taught to make peace.
For a long time, there have been peace rhymes among the people, for example, to such "Make up, make up, make up and do not fight anymore" or "Stop getting angry, let's quickly make up." Learn simple short verses with your child, and he will be able to restore friendship with another baby without your presence. It is desirable that they contain a rhyme that is easy to memorize, so the children can tell them faster.
In this case, the action itself can be turned into a small ritual of the world. This practice works well in kindergarten, development kindergarten, or elementary school. Choose a positive toy and declare it a symbol of peace and friendship. Have the children use this toy to reconcile by holding it together. Experts also recommend adding tactile communication to the ritual, ask the children to hold hands while reciting poetry or hold on to their little fingers.
It is important from childhood to teach children to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way, without losing their self-esteem.