A person seeking to achieve harmony in a relationship must be successful in love. As a rule, for this you need to work hard, and both partners, because love needs to be warmed up, supported, like a fire in a bonfire. How can you still achieve success in love affairs?

Step 1
In order for your union to be successful, it must be strong. Learn to find a compromise in disputable situations, make concessions to each other, do not offend your loved one, and even more so in the presence of other people. Learn to forgive, most importantly in your soul.
Step 2
Be honest with each other, including intimate relationships. Tell us about your desires and try to translate them into reality together, because sexual harmony between loving people is very important.
Step 3
Help your loved one, try to please and surprise him. Spend free time together, attend cultural events. If your relationship began a long time ago - often remember how everything was "built". For example, you were carefree and in love, but now "everyday life" has entered your life. So in your hands to bring a little romance, surprise your partner - invite him to look at the starry sky, arrange a romantic dinner for two. Leaving for work, leave a note on the table with a declaration of love, and during the day you can send a message with words of love.
Step 4
Praise your soul mate, make compliments, confess your love, because this is so important and sometimes so lacking in a relationship.
Step 5
Try to understand your loved one, do not limit his personal space, because he should not feel like he is in a cage.
Step 6
If there is a misunderstanding between you, there is no need to sort things out in a raised voice. Cool down first, for this you can go to different rooms, when you feel that you are ready to talk - sit down and talk calmly. No need to blame, just tell what you are not happy with and listen to your loved one.
Step 7
Trust your soul mate and be faithful to her. Also, honesty decides a lot in love - even minor reservations can destroy your strong union and shake love.