When the news is heard in the family that a long-awaited and planned child will soon appear, it is both pleasing and frightening. After all, responsible people understand that giving birth and raising a child is hard work that requires daily efforts.

Step 1
It is better for expectant mothers and fathers to read the relevant literature on parenting in order to mentally prepare for situations that may arise. Although some parents believe that they do not need any additional knowledge. In any case, in order to succeed in such a difficult task as personal education, you need to remember a few simple rules.
Step 2
Any education should be based on love. It is important to love your child both when he paints his first sun with paints in the album, and when he draws with dirty hands on the TV screen. To love means to accept as it is. Moreover, the child will be the way his parents bring him up, and it depends on them which behavior the baby will consider correct and which is inadmissible.
Step 3
The next necessary factor is patience. Mothers of two or more children master this skill perfectly. Who else, besides a loving parent, will be able to answer the same question several dozen times in a row: “Why?”. And not just: "Because." And telling and explaining everything to the kid at such a level that he understands and remembers. You need to be patient when a child wants to help with something around the house, although he will not succeed right away. Patience is needed when a child is throwing tantrums, especially in crowded places. Patience cannot be dispensed with when a toddler learns to read and write, especially when he has no desire to learn at all. And although not all parents have this quality in the right amount, children encourage adults to learn patience every day.
Step 4
Avoiding comparisons is an important ingredient in parenting success. It makes no sense to be upset that the neighbor's girl started walking earlier, and the friend's niece speaks better. All children are different. And for parents, his child should be the best always and in everything. You should not waste energy and emotions on comparisons, it is better to direct them towards your child, to pay more attention to him. Support your child in all endeavors. Later it will be clear what exactly your child is capable of - drawing, singing or sports.
Step 5
Attention and time are what the child needs all the time. Spending as much of your time as possible on the baby, while giving him all your attention, is the key to a successful upbringing. These simple investments will pay off with the maximum result over time, and the child will grow up as a full-fledged personality, open to the world and the people around him.