Look around you - how many young people of both sexes who have already passed their 30s, who have received an education and quite successfully settled in life, do not have any personal life. Maybe you are one of them. Despite the desire to have it, you have neither a family, nor even a permanent partner who would become a potential life partner for you. Maybe you have already put an end to yourself, but, meanwhile, it is never too late or impossible to achieve success in your personal life.

Step 1
The person who does not have success in his personal life must first understand that it is impossible to change the circumstances or the people around him. In order to change your life, including your personal one, you need to change yourself. Sit down and calmly consider why this is happening. Perhaps your requirements for a potential partner are too high, or, on the contrary, you are too insecure and afraid to go to the proposed contacts so as not to disappoint the person and not be disappointed. Or maybe you devote too much time to work and career, and you simply don't have time for a full-fledged personal life.
Step 2
After analyzing the errors, start correcting them. Form yourself those few indispensable conditions that your chosen one must meet. For example, to be happy you need this person to be kind, courageous, reliable and have a sense of humor. So look for this, without becoming attached to either appearance or prosperity, this is a profitable business. Do not limit your choices and the capabilities of the person who likes you, criteria on which happiness does not directly depend.
Step 3
Having decided that you want to turn the tide in your personal life, take care of yourself. Now you should attract people with your actions, mood and appearance. Get yourself in order, get a new haircut, change your dressing style, start going to the gym or the pool, find yourself an interesting hobby. There are a lot of interesting things around and worth seeing, let new things into your life. Be open, friendly and interesting, such a person will never get lost even in a crowd of thousands and will always attract attention. You just have to choose.