Needless to say, loneliness is a painful condition for a person. Watching happy couples, a lonely person begins to feel that something is wrong with him. What to do when there is no personal life, but you really want to have it?

There are people who, for one reason or another, do not need a personal life for happiness. But they are in the minority. The rest are completely uncomfortable being alone. For many, it is a truly painful process.
What if you don't have a personal life? First of all, try to understand the reasons that led you to a lonely existence. Perhaps you are making excessive demands on a potential partner. A person who demands too much of others is doomed to disappointment and unhappiness. It is much more productive to make high demands on yourself, constantly improving your personality. This is an important key to self-knowledge and inner harmony, and therefore to happiness.
Many cannot find their soul mate just because they do not know what they want. Answer yourself to a simple question: what kind of partner do you need to be happy. Think over his character traits and appearance. Decide for yourself what your relationship should be. The more clearly you formulate expectations about your future partner and your relationship with him, the faster your desire will materialize in real life.
Do not waste time, do not expect that the long-awaited prince or princess will fall on you from heaven. Look for your love. All means are good for finding the other half. You can expand your circle of acquaintances, visit public places. It is not useless to get acquainted on dating sites and social networks. In short, take real steps towards your dream.
Most importantly, don't be isolated. Remember that your loneliness is temporary, and you will definitely meet your true love at the right time, in the right place. But until this happens, do not stop working on yourself and do everything possible and impossible in order to find happiness as soon as possible in the warm arms of your loved one.