The answer to the question whether there are accidents in life depends on the person's personality. From the point of view of a fatalist, nothing in this world is accidental. The opposite is the point of view of the creator of his life, convinced that he himself creates his own fate, and often the fate of others.

A "chain of accidents" can lead to a major change in life. To a job change, a wedding, the birth of a child, the death of a person. All this is accidental only at first glance.
Was it coincidence or fate?
How to understand if an event is predetermined or is it just an accident? We need to try to take a new path and see how everything will turn out. If more and more obstacles arise on the way, most likely this is not your path. If everything develops easily and simply, as if you are on the right track and go with the flow - yes, this is exactly what is predetermined, this path is correct!
How not to miss an opportunity? Do not immediately reject an offer that seemed unnecessary. Postpone reply. Think. Give it a try. Listen to your intuition. Take a chance! Next - see how it is going and make a final decision based on further circumstances.
If there are no accidents, does this mean that you need to come to terms with fate and not take any active action? Of course not
Life gives us the necessary opportunities, and in order to realize the resources inherent in them, we need to actively act.
A person strives for what is already predetermined for him, not knowing about it. And there are no two ways - obedience to fate and independent achievement of goals. Another thing is that you may never find your destiny in the pursuit of big money and high status. A person's future largely depends on his behavior.
A chance meeting with a former employer, partner, or girlfriend. Is it realistic to meet them just by chance? Whenever you meet unexpectedly, be sure to talk to this person. Why did he reappear in your destiny? Why was he sent?
A chance meeting of a man and a woman. An accidental feeling. A completely random life.
Surrender to the will of fate or to act?
A famous saying says: "Character is destiny." Sure, it's hard to contradict many patterns, but it's worth a try.
Makers of destinies, their own and those of people - maybe they just achieve what they are destined to? And those who are passive about life miss all the opportunities given to them by fate?
What does a person do with his life? What is he fighting for? What is being sacrificed? Is what people value really worth? How to understand what the real purpose of a person is? How to find your only partner, your life's work, yourself?
Just asking yourself these questions can accomplish a lot. Be attentive to yourself and to people, to the signals that the Universe sends. We need to find our way!