Is There Life After Marriage

Is There Life After Marriage
Is There Life After Marriage

Despite the widespread misconception that the stamp does not change anything, very often after a minimum time after the wedding, problems begin in a young family.

Is there life after marriage
Is there life after marriage

A wedding is a wonderful and very important event in the life of any person. But often life after this festival does not at all correspond to the ideas of the newlyweds. Marriage is a new step in relations, it is important to understand that spouses have to share not only joy, but also troubles and troubles.

Marriage can be a victim of everyday life

The most unpleasant area that can destroy a young marriage, especially if the spouses did not have a long-term experience of living together, is, of course, everyday life. Ideally, you need to discuss all sorts of problems in advance, agree on an even distribution of household responsibilities (if the initiative for such a conversation comes from a young wife, it is very important for her not to push her husband in the discussion process, so as not to start family life with a scandal). You should not harbor illusions, if, a month after the start of life together, the house is a mess, the linen is unwashed and the dishes are unwashed, then you have not agreed well. If a man grumbles about a mess, but does nothing to eliminate it, offer him to hire a visiting housekeeper. Good quality cleaning once a week is enough at first. On the budget, this option will not hit hard, and it will be much easier to maintain order.

Build relationships with your spouse's relatives. This will help smooth out the corners in perspective.

Respect is the key to a perfect marriage

Never keep score. A better phrase to start a serious quarrel than “you owe me because I married you” has not yet been invented. Soften corners and turns. Instead of an uncompromising "you should" use "I would really like to." At the same time, it is very important to express your wishes to your spouse, only to do it in an acceptable form.

Don't hide serious secrets from your spouse. Obviously, each person should have his own, separate life, but it should not harm the life together. If you have any problems, share them with your other half. Otherwise, they can undermine your marriage without you noticing.

Give gifts to each other not only on holidays. The more romance in your relationship after marriage, the better.

Look for new ways to express your feelings. Don't let your marriage become a monotonous habit. After the wedding, young people develop stable confidence in each other. The attention that was previously paid to a loved one or beloved is shifting to other aspects of life. This is a normal process. This state of affairs does not mean that your love has passed. It's just very important to remember how it was before marriage, to arrange surprises, holidays, romantic dinners. At least sometimes in the evenings, break away from your favorite sofa or bed and spend time in familiar and favorite cafes.

Never ask your loved one to give up hanging out with friends for you. Instead, try to make "personal" friends family friends. So you can often see them without losing touch. This is very important because the young sometimes form a hermetic system after marriage, and hermetic systems develop very poorly.
