The Role Of Feng Shui In Personal Life

The Role Of Feng Shui In Personal Life
The Role Of Feng Shui In Personal Life

Feng Shui is very popular today. This is an ancient Chinese art and at the same time the science of living in harmony with the world around you and yourself. It contains general principles and specific methods, following which you can harmonize space, attract good luck and improve various aspects of your life (business and financial areas, as well as personal relationships).

Paired mandarin ducks bring success and happiness in your personal life
Paired mandarin ducks bring success and happiness in your personal life

How to use feng shui to change your personal life for the better

The umbrella protects lovers from outside interference. The double fish sign symbolizes a happy life together, and the seashell ensures fidelity in separation. The vase represents the inexhaustible nectar that preserves love.

In China, there is a belief about the god of marriage. He sends blessings and help to couples in building families. There are special symbols that are placed in certain areas of the house and help to achieve success in your personal life.

If there are any problems in the love life (it may be troubles with the spouse and not a very successful development of the novel), feng shui masters recommend placing the crystal in the southwest side of the house. To activate the crystal, you need to improve the lighting. The energy of fire will nourish the earth element that governs earthly love.

Sometimes the bad location of the toilet (in the southwestern part of the house) can become the cause of trouble. In this case, the wind chime from 5 bamboo tubes, painted black or brown, can be a good corrective remedy. Wind chime will suppress negative emanations from the toilet.

One of the best and most effective ways to create a family atmosphere in your home is with family photos. Photos in feng shui symbolize happiness, so all family members living in the house should be present and smiling in the photos. The photo should be hung on the wall in the living room.

Feng Shui for personal relationships

A very important room for strengthening personal relationships, according to feng shui, is the bedroom, so special attention should be paid to its improvement. First of all, you need to choose the right bed. It should be borne in mind that in the matrimonial bedroom there must be a bed with a single mattress. In no case should there be 2 mattresses on it, because this symbolically separates the spouses.

To protect family dynasties from misfortune, Chinese emperors threw coins on the marriage lodges of their daughters. Now, for a happy marriage, coins are tied to a bedpost.

The location of the bed between 2 doors is considered unfortunate. In addition, an open beam located above the bed and dividing it into 2 parts can become the cause of contention between spouses. In these cases, the bed must be rearranged.

Various talismans play a very important role in strengthening personal relationships. There are a lot of them in feng shui. To change and harmonize personal life, it is recommended to use paired objects: swans, doves or mandarin ducks. They work to strengthen family and love relationships. A pair of dolphins is also an effective talisman for attracting good luck in love and partnerships. Dolphins strengthen the bond of marriage and have a beneficial effect on family members. These talismans should be placed at the head of the bed.
