Married couples who have lived together for many years have relationship problems. As for intimate life, there is almost none. But how to maintain harmony between people for many years. Feng Shui comes to the rescue.

The sleeping place must be given special attention. Take a moment to read
Step 1
Take a side view of your bed. How she looks, attractive or not. Your intimate relationship is the same. And if you are lonely, then the reason is also in the bedroom.
Step 2
A double bed is considered ideal. If you have a sofa, ideally lay it out every night.
Step 3
There should be a free passage to the bed on both sides.
Step 4
If a bed has a bedside table on one side, then the same furniture should be on the other.
Step 5
You must use a fragrance for your laundry. These can be conditioners, oils, salts.
Step 6
The color of the bed linen plays an important role. Black, red and blue should be avoided. The most suitable will be pink and peach underwear.
Step 7
Keep your bedroom clean. Do not store anything under the bed, especially old and dirty things.