Pros And Cons Of Self-satisfaction

Pros And Cons Of Self-satisfaction
Pros And Cons Of Self-satisfaction

Masturbation is sometimes the most affordable option for those who need "sexual release". This method is simple and convenient, but remember that it also has its drawbacks.

Pros and cons of self-satisfaction
Pros and cons of self-satisfaction

The benefits of self-satisfaction

The most important advantage of masturbation is the ability to quickly relieve stress and, at the same time, enjoy guaranteed. If there is no other way to do this, it is better to “blow off steam” from time to time than to accumulate irritation in yourself. By the way, this is a wonderful remedy for depression, stress and just a bad mood. You can even do this in the shower.

If you have a partner with whom you have been unable to make love for a while, masturbation will help you stay faithful without unpleasant consequences.

Being engaged in self-satisfaction, a person gets the opportunity to study his own body, to determine how it is easiest to get pleasure. This knowledge will certainly come in handy when having sex with a partner. In addition, masturbation helps to avoid casual relationships that can cause serious problems, including the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Certainly one of the important benefits of masturbation is the ability to improve your health. If you are temporarily deprived of sex, it is best not to tolerate, as this can lead to serious problems. The work of the cardiovascular, genitourinary system will improve, men will be able to avoid impotence and premature ejaculation, and women - frigidity and anorgasmia.

What are the disadvantages of masturbation

Self-satisfaction, alas, often turns into a habit. It can be difficult to give up on it even after a person finds a good partner for lovemaking. This leads to two problems at once. Firstly, if masturbation turns out to be better than traditional intercourse precisely because of habit, as well as knowledge of their erogenous zones, this can have a bad effect on relationships. Secondly, if a partner finds out about such "entertainment" of his significant other, it can seriously upset him. It is very offensive and unpleasant when sex is in second place after masturbation.

To at least partially solve the problem, you can try mutual self-gratification, as well as talk with your partner about what each of you likes most about sex.

While masturbating, a person fixates on himself. As a result, his sexual technique inevitably deteriorates as he loses the ability to feel what his partner needs and to fulfill his desires. In addition, we are talking about self-doubt: having got used to self-satisfaction, people begin to be ashamed of sexual intercourse and worry that they cannot do everything right.
