It can be difficult to take a big step. At such times, you may be overcome with doubts. Even a person who is not inclined to them can become confused when too much is at stake.

Take responsibility
To decide on an important step, you need to gather courage and take responsibility for your own actions. Maybe you don't trust yourself enough. Think why. If there were any mistakes in your past, it is worth learning from them, making a useful experience. Until you do this work, you will have a fear of acting.
Resist the temptation to shift some of the responsibility for the decision to someone else - do not consult with family and friends. If the consequences of the step you have taken affect only you, you should think about what to do. You know best what you need. The advice of others may turn out to be wrong and lead you astray. Exceptions are expert advice in a specific area. Of course, their services are worth resorting to in some situations.
Examine the setting
Think about how events may develop with one or another of your decisions. This will help you to objectively assess the current situation and identify all the risks. You need to carefully study all the facts, consider them from all sides. Also try to determine what will happen if you take no action at all. If the consequences are worse than any possible outcome, you need to act as quickly as possible.
If your life after an important decision changes for the better, and you are simply afraid of changes, find as many advantages as possible in your future position. Don't forget that change is inevitable in life. The advantage of changing circumstances is that they allow you to develop as a person. And if you are not doing self-improvement, then you are moving backward. Therefore, you should not be afraid of the new.
Burn the bridges
If you clearly understand that you need to take an important step, but cannot decide on it, cut off your escape routes. Make it so that you can no longer abandon your plan. Let's say you can't find the strength to change jobs. Find a new job and sign an employment contract. Then you will have no choice but to tell the management about everything and sign a letter of resignation. After all, you have already promised to be at work in another company, and a specific date will be expected for you. In addition, you can share your plans with friends and loved ones if this motivates you to take immediate action.