No relationship is immune to collapse. And most often partings occur at the initiative of one of the parties. And the second person continues to love and suffer. Unfortunately, the injured party is often a woman. But it is much more difficult for her to let go of her ex than for men to forget their love.

Step 1
Don't try to pity the man with your tears or tantrums. If he decided to leave, he will do it anyway. Try not to lose your self-esteem even in a difficult situation. Remember that these are not the last feelings in your life. Men come and go, you need to think about yourself first.
Step 2
Don't be afraid to be alone. Think that this situation will only bring you benefits. You will finally become free again, you will not depend on anyone. You do not have to wait for his call in the evenings, reshape plans, endure his indifference and cry into your pillow at night. Look for the positives in everything.
Step 3
You will have more free time, try to spend it usefully. Educate yourself, get a new job, start taking courses, or start a hobby. Firstly, you will be able to engage in self-improvement, and secondly, you will not have time to worry.
Step 4
Don't fight for your lost happiness. Just as it is impossible to glue a broken vase, so it is impossible to restore a relationship that ended. Even if the man comes back to you, it will not bring joy. You will always expect betrayal from him, and as a result, you will ruin the nervous system for yourself and for him.
Step 5
Try to accept the changes that have occurred in your life. You need to learn to live in a new way. But, who knows, maybe after a while you will like this new thing much more than what was before.
Step 6
Love yourself, start grooming and cherishing yourself. Finally start doing what you love. Visit clubs and restaurants, go to massage and sauna, sign up for extreme driving courses. Try to pamper yourself daily. This will make it much easier for you to get through this difficult period in your life.
Step 7
Understand the man. His feelings are gone, he cannot be with you anymore. And if he is really dear to you, let him go. Do not prevent him from being happy, even without you. Forgive him for everything he has done, this is the only way you can get rid of his thoughts about him.