Dreams of a long and happy family life, alas, do not always come true. Sometimes it happens that in a prosperous, almost ideal marriage, the husband suddenly announces one day that he is leaving. He leaves for another or just because he is "tired", something has ceased to suit him or become boring … It is not so important. It is important to understand how to get over it and how to let it go.

Step 1
Accept the fact that your husband has decided to leave, and you will not change anything. Do not feel vain hopes, men rarely talk about such decisions without making them finally and irrevocably.
Step 2
Try not to communicate with your ex-husband for at least some time, remove him from friends on social networks and blogs. It is also best to avoid meeting his friends. It will take you some time to regain your composure.
Step 3
If you need it, talk to your friends, for sure there will be those who are ready to support you. Or you can turn to a professional psychologist for help, but it is better not to go to the first person who comes across, but to consult with friends about the selection of a specialist.
Step 4
Change your image. A new hairstyle, original make-up and a change in style of clothing will cheer you up, and those around you will not be able to fail to notice it.
Step 5
Come up with a new hobby, think about what you might like. You can spend all your free time and energy on it, so as not to indulge in despondency. A new hobby will inevitably lead to a renewal of the social circle, which will also have a positive effect on the situation.
Step 6
After all, why not have a new romance? Free men will definitely pay attention to such an attractive woman.