Guys are often windy and incapable of maintaining long-term relationships. After all, there are so many attractive and very different girls around. I would like to know better both this and this. If it happens that a guy starts paying attention to other girls, and you want to return him, you can use a few tricks. They work, believe me.

Patience, self-confidence, knowing your boyfriend, the ability to change, a sense of humor
Step 1
Start by analyzing the situation. Think about the mistakes you made with your boyfriend. Seek advice from those who also knew him well. Perhaps these people will tell you what mistakes you made. Remember and carefully analyze the entire history of your acquaintance, how it began, how you attracted each other, and why interest in you began to wane.
Step 2
Become interesting - change your image. Many guys are attracted to variety. It is boring to see a girl next to you who, day after day, walks in the same outfits, watches the same films, listens to the same type of music. Try to find new hobbies. It's great if they coincide with your boyfriend's hobbies, or at least not go far from them. Change the style of clothing, present yourself to people in a new light.

Step 3
Be kind and confident. Don't be afraid to walk up to your ex and talk. Just do not try to sort things out. This will achieve the opposite effect. Better tell us what you’ve learned. So you will interest him, presenting himself in a new light.