A group of American psychologists have been conducting research for several years, the results of which were published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Scientists have found that a “traditional” family, that is, one where the husband works and the wife does the housework, has an income on average eight times higher than the “modern” family, where both spouses work!

What could be causing this? Probably, a traditional family provides a man with much more peace of mind and peace of mind than a modern one. In a traditional family, the husband is the one who earns money, he can count on a good dinner, cleanliness and order in the house, where he will meet a friendly wife, she will always support him and listen if necessary. An interesting point: in many books, among the thanks that the author expresses, his wife is often mentioned, "without whose help the book would never have been written." Likewise, in other areas of activity, if at home there is an opportunity to rest and concentrate, then this practically guarantees just such a state in which problems are not at all difficult to solve. Consequently, the likelihood that a great idea for starting a business, solving a complex production problem, or something similar will come up significantly increases. An interesting point is that in most modern families, both spouses are employed, while in traditional families they often have their own business. It is your own business that can provide earnings that are eight times higher than the salary that an employee receives. In addition to this reason, there is another one. When the spouses come home from work, both of them are most likely tired, hungry, and at home there is also a child who probably did not learn the lessons and again brought a note in the diary, and even a request to appear for a conversation with the class teacher. Where can you relax here and calmly reflect on the problems, your lifestyle and the way of making money. However, in the modern world there are also families where a woman works and a man “does the housework”. Here the situation is complicated by the fact that men are not inclined to such activities, and if this situation suppresses the husband, then peace is not to be found in the house. But if the husband accepts this position as the norm, then it may well happen that the earnings will be similar to the traditional family. But these are still extremely rare cases.