Family life is not only the expectation of happiness, endless love and a bright joint future, but also a mutual solution to all kinds of problems. However, couples are not always able to compromise and treat each other with respect and understanding. It often happens that one of the partners destroys the union. And then an unpleasant surprise awaits the soul mate in the form of a divorce. How not to get depressed?

Step 1
Live in the present. Try not to take actions that can return you to the past (do not call your husband, do not try to "track" his life through social networks, do not ask your mutual friends about him). Do not even think that now you could be together again.
Step 2
Also, do not rush into the maelstrom of new relationships, because after the divorce, some time should pass. Only when feelings have calmed down can you begin to build the foundation of a new relationship.
Step 3
Take care of yourself. Get yourself in order and do everything that you had sorely lacked time for before. Take a relaxing bath with pleasant airy foam, visit a beauty salon, go to the cinema, a restaurant, go shopping, take a walk in the park. Think about your hobbies (dancing, fitness, embroidery, cooking, and so on), devote time to your family and friends. Learn to please and love yourself.
Step 4
If your husband has gone to another woman, do not try to come into contact with her and find out anything. This is your husband's choice, so in this case, just let go of the situation and wish the newly minted "sweet couple" good luck.
Step 5
Don't get carried away with alcohol. There is no need to drown out the pain of divorce with alcohol. Alcohol euphoria does not last long and tends to be replaced by prolonged depression. Otherwise, an addiction to alcohol develops, which forces you to drink regularly, which leads to harmful consequences.
Step 6
Be healthy. A healthy lifestyle (sleeping, eating, playing sports) will help you cope with even the most difficult events in your life. Fitness, yoga, dancing, swimming, jogging will help you to get away from problems and always be in great shape. Outdoor exercise is especially effective during the summer months.
Step 7
If depression, dark thoughts do not leave you, despite all efforts, contact a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist). You will receive qualified help.