The influence of a mother on her child is so great that she may well raise him alone, without the support of her dad. The main thing is to try to raise from a boy an independent person, not afraid of difficulties, a good husband and father.

Step 1
Basic ideas about life are laid in children at an early age, when boys are very attached to their mother. As a rule, because of this attachment, young sons are more sensitive to relationships in the family, they are acutely aware of the emotional mood of the mother. In order to raise a man from a boy who can be happy himself and will be able to make others happy, try to pay more attention to your little son. Show warmth, caring and emotional affection, be present in his life, while giving him some freedom.
Step 2
The desire to help appears in children somewhere around the age of two. Let your son take care of you, praise him, emphasizing his masculine qualities. Do not take all the household chores on yourself, because even for a little boy you can find a "man's" job in the house. Try to unobtrusively, without pressure, accustom your son to everyday life. Entrust him with small things, let him also have responsibilities: arrange purchases in the refrigerator, load things in the washing machine, dust, water the flowers, take out the trash, etc. Use the words "must", "must" as little as possible. Praise and approval for boys is much more valuable than obsessive instructions. Thank your son for his help, encourage independence, do not criticize when he does something wrong.
Step 3
Remember that the presence of a man in a child's life is still important. Boys over the age of six need authority. No matter how good a woman a woman is, by her nature it is difficult for her to talk to her son without emotion, "like a man", to give real male advice. Encourage your son to interact with his grandfather, uncle, or other relative. Classes and conversations with older men are very valuable for him: the boy will adopt their male model of behavior, master useful skills, learn the subtleties of gender relations, learn to behave differently in different situations, be gentle, patient, condescending to female weaknesses, etc. …