How To Rest For Children In

How To Rest For Children In
How To Rest For Children In

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During the day, the child manages to live a whole life filled with adventure, new acquaintances, study, games, research, quarrels and reconciliation. But even the most energetic and all successful children need rest. And its correct organization is already the task of adults.

How children need to rest
How children need to rest


Step 1

Daily regime

For any person, the daily routine is useful. It helps to eat on time, get enough sleep, work fruitfully and rest. For a child, the regime is doubly useful. Children cannot organize themselves yet. From complete permissiveness, irregular food and sleep, they get tired very quickly, not only physically, but also emotionally. Naturally, there are situations when the regime has to be violated, for example, travel, illness or holiday. But if this happens occasionally, it only adds color and emotion to everyday, familiar life.

Step 2


Best of all, the child restores strength in a dream. And if in infancy, and then in kindergarten, no one disputes the need for daytime sleep, then at school age, parents often dismiss it. However, most pediatricians agree that naps are very beneficial for a younger student. No need to clog the child's whole day with additional activities and circles. Just one hour of pleasant dreams in a well-ventilated room will breathe strength into a student who is tired after class. A slept, rested and calm schoolchild is given knowledge much easier than his nervous and overworked peer.

Step 3


Despite the active promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the introduction of an additional physical education lesson per week in schools, the physical training of children leaves much to be desired. Outdoor games, walks in the park and hiking in the forest are also relaxation that a growing body needs like air. However, the vast majority of schoolchildren prefer the computer to playing football in the yard. It is necessary to teach a child to exercise from a very early age, literally after he learns to walk. But if you yourself sit in front of the TV for whole evenings, and the offer to take a walk in the evening causes you bewilderment, it is naive to expect success in sports from your child.
