How To Organize The Rest Of The Children

How To Organize The Rest Of The Children
How To Organize The Rest Of The Children

Table of contents:


Organizing children's recreation is not an easy task. But if you approach its solution creatively and taking into account a variety of children's interests, then such a vacation can be remembered by children for a long time.

How to organize the rest of the children
How to organize the rest of the children


Step 1

When organizing the rest of preschool children, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they need a frequent change of activities. This observation is true both in relation to their activities in children's educational institutions, and in relation to active and developmental recreation. As they say, the best rest is to change the type of activity.

Step 2

When organizing recreation for school-age children, you may not adhere too much to the rule of frequent changes in activities or rest, since schoolchildren, compared to preschoolers, have higher physical and emotional endurance.

Step 3

Choose your activity according to the time of year, with a preference for outdoor activities. In winter, go sledding, ice sledding, skiing, ice skating or snowboarding with your children. In summer, it is very good to go hiking and combine fishing and picking berries, swimming in a river or lake, sitting around a fire and kayaking. During the rainy off-season, visit theaters, exhibitions, a circus or a planetarium with your children.

Step 4

Thinking over the rest of the children, remember the various children's collective games: sports (football, volleyball, basketball, hockey) and yard (tag, hide and seek, robber Cossacks, "the sea is worried once!", "Tea-tea-help out!", Classics, rubber bands, traffic lights, charades, forfeits, etc.).

Step 5

When going on a vacation with children abroad, carefully study the information regarding children's recreation: which places are worth visiting, up to what age there are discounts on children's tickets, take out insurance for the child, do not forget to take any medications you may need with you.
