The first childbirth, as a rule, becomes a strong stress for a woman, because she has to deal with fears, study a huge amount of new information and get used to the idea that during the birth of a baby, despite the pain, she will have to remember the correct breathing and other important things … Second births in this respect can be perceived more easily.

Second birth: psychological aspect
When giving birth to a child for the second time, a woman can face very strong fear, especially if the first experience was associated with problems. Now she already knows what to expect, and it can be frightening. However, in reality, experience should not inspire fear, but confidence. During the second birth, a woman can already behave much more calmly. She is familiar with the process, remembers what exactly needs to be done and can not be afraid of mistakes. It is partly because of this that the second birth is easier than the first.
With experience, a woman can also decide if someone close to her should be present and support her. This also makes a big difference.
For the second birth to be easier, it is important to prepare for them psychologically. Do not think about the bad moments associated with the first experience. It is better to remember the feeling that you experienced when you first pressed your baby to your chest. Also remind yourself that you are no longer a beginner, which means that the process will not drag out due to improper breathing, inability to push, and other problems. Think that the birth of a second baby will be faster and easier.
Physiological side of second birth
On average, second births are about 4 hours shorter than the first. This is mainly due to the fact that the body already adapts to the process much faster and tolerates it more easily. The woman's body itself "remembers" how the baby was born, and this helps to make the second birth faster and more painless.
Even if it is difficult for a woman in labor to control breathing and efforts herself, her body will cope with the task. This is a great advantage for experienced moms.
The passage of the child through the birth canal and his birth also occurs easier and faster during the second birth. Firstly, it is associated with an increase in the elasticity of the cervix. After the birth of the first baby, the woman's body changes and becomes much better prepared for such a process. Since the cervix can now contract and stretch at the same time, the pain becomes less painful and the fetal expulsion process is faster.
Secondly, attempts during repeated childbirth, as a rule, turn out to be stronger and more energetic, which significantly speeds up the passage of the child through the birth canal and his birth. Thirdly, the process of birth of the placenta in this case turns out to be almost imperceptible and occurs with minimal effort on the part of the woman.