How Not To Push A Child Away From You

How Not To Push A Child Away From You
How Not To Push A Child Away From You

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Often the reasons for conflict situations between a child and a parent are the latter's desire to throw out his negative emotions on the baby, as well as fatigue and irritation. As a result, a serious rift can develop in the relationship, which will become the cause of disagreement for life. To avoid this and not alienate the child from yourself, it is important to admit your guilt in time and try to correct the situation.

How not to push a child away from you
How not to push a child away from you


Step 1

Think about how often you make exaggerated demands on your child and get angry if he does not live up to your expectations. For example, if the kid went to the store and forgot to buy something or he was given the wrong change. Try to determine which expectations are true and which are not, in which situations you need to be strict, and in which you should not scold the child. Prepare and gradually accustom the baby to responsibility, and only then demand something from him.

Step 2

When both parents take an active part in raising a child, sometimes situations arise in which their opinions on a particular issue do not coincide. And then the baby is lost and does not know whom to obey and how to act correctly. If this happens, privately discuss the problem with the other parent and ask the child to fulfill requirements that do not contradict each other.

Step 3

Sometimes fatigue, stress, problems at work and more can negatively affect the relationship between parents and children. If you have ever unfairly accused a child of something he didn’t do, or you just threw out your anger and irritation on him, be sure to take the time, talk to him and ask for forgiveness.

Step 4

It is very difficult for a child to understand what can and cannot be done due to your inconsistency of actions. For example, if the baby is allowed to hit you at home, and on the street you scold and punish him for this act, a conflict may occur in his soul. The reaction can be very different - from the usual resentment to aggression and anger.

Step 5

It happens that children ask their parents for completely ordinary things, and in return they receive a rude and unreasonable answer. If a child asks to get a doll or take a bicycle out into the yard, some parents get annoyed and try to avoid this, but these are your responsibilities.

Step 6

In order not to alienate the child from yourself, be able to admit your guilt and correct mistakes. Only in this way will you keep his respect, trust and love.
