What To Do If The White Bloom Does Not Go Away On The Tonsils Of The Child

What To Do If The White Bloom Does Not Go Away On The Tonsils Of The Child
What To Do If The White Bloom Does Not Go Away On The Tonsils Of The Child

More recently, a little over a month ago, your child had a sore throat. You have carefully followed all the doctor's recommendations and you have recovered. The child is already attending an educational institution and, suddenly, you hear from him complaints that the throat hurts again, you examine and see an unpleasant picture, the white bloom does not pass on the tonsils. Do not rush to give your child medications, do not self-medicate.

What to do if a white plaque does not go away on the tonsils of a child
What to do if a white plaque does not go away on the tonsils of a child

The consequences of chronic tonsillitis

A white bloom on the tonsils may indicate that the child is beginning to develop chronic tonsillitis. This disease is very unsafe and fraught with the fact that it has a wide range of consequences. If you let the problem take its course, over time, the child may develop diseases of various systems and organs. Chronic tonsillitis can affect the following body systems: urogenital (cystitis, adnexitis in girls), cardiovascular (heart rhythm disturbances, development of VSD), digestive (stomach diseases), immune (increased incidence of colds and ARVI, allergies), endocrine (thyroid disease). Damage to the enamel of the teeth may also occur (the risk of caries and periodontal disease) and bad breath may appear.

Chronic tonsillitis also affects general chronic fatigue, which over time leads to problems with learning, the formation of problems in the behavior and character of the child. The bacteria that cause this disease clog the child's body with their waste products, which can lead to various skin diseases and cosmetic defects.

What to do in order to defeat the disease

The first main action is to see an otolaryngologist. At the appointment, the doctor will examine the child's throat and prescribe a course of examination first, and then suggest a conservative treatment regimen. It is conservative, because surgical treatment of tonsil diseases is shown in only 10% of cases.

During the examination, the bacteria that cause chronic inflammation will be identified and determined, and in the future, these data will be used when prescribing antibiotics and topical drugs. Also, analyzes will make it possible to assess the general state of health, the presence of allergies, the degree of damage to the immune system, all these results are needed for the correct prescription of drugs and physiotherapeutic measures.

In addition, the doctor will advise you on folk remedies that, in combination with traditional medication, will enable your child to become healthy faster. By themselves, folk remedies are ineffective, and sometimes dangerous to life and health.

Be patient, the treatment can take up to 6 months. Carefully follow the doctor's prescriptions, teach your child to observe oral hygiene and maintain cleanliness in the house, strengthen the immune system, make sure that the child does not overcool, and tune him in a positive way, then you can overcome such an unpleasant problem as chronic inflammation of the glands in a child.
