How To Get Rid Of Caseous Plugs In The Tonsils In A Child

How To Get Rid Of Caseous Plugs In The Tonsils In A Child
How To Get Rid Of Caseous Plugs In The Tonsils In A Child

Sore throat, perspiration, sensation of congestion - these symptoms occurred in every person during a cold. They are caused by irritation of the nerve endings, which appears as a result of swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa.

Chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by the formation of plugs in the throat
Chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by the formation of plugs in the throat

Caseous plugs

You can get rid of the feeling of congestion in the throat at home with plenty of drinking and gargling. With the wrong treatment methods, the inflammatory disease can become chronic. In this case, the doctor will make the following diagnoses: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by bad breath and a constant feeling of a lump in the throat. When examining a patient's throat, the doctor may find yellow lumps of curdled structure in the throat. They have an unpleasant odor and are called caseous plugs. They occur in people with chronic tonsillitis. In this disease, inflammation of the tonsils or glands, which are lymphoid tissue, occurs. Chronic tonsillitis with exacerbations is manifested by angina.

Self-medication is ineffective

If the disease has developed to such an extent that there are traffic jams, then self-medication is not worth it. Although patients often resort to this method, press on the tonsils with their fingers and pick out the plugs with a spoon. This method will only temporarily alleviate the condition, because it is possible to scrape off the surface part of the cork.

In the clinic, you can undergo a course of syringe washings with the following drugs: furacilin, iodinol, boric acid, antibiotics.

Surgical intervention

You cannot start chronic tonsillitis. In the worst case, you will need to resort to tonsillectomy. This is an operation to remove the palatine tonsils. Doctors do not recommend hurrying with her, since if the anatomical structure of the pharynx is violated, its natural defense is violated. This fact can contribute to the development of pharyngitis. This disease, in turn, is difficult to treat.

Both adults and children are susceptible to this disease. Although sometimes the child outgrows the inflammation of the tonsils. Therefore, you should not rush to remove them, it is better to try to undergo a course of treatment.

A course of treatment

If the otolaryngologist was able to choose the right therapy for the treatment of caseous plugs, then surgical intervention is not required at all. Patients are prescribed a course of treatment with ultrasound and laser. Prescribe rinsing with a collection of herbs, cauterization with a solution of silver or Lugol. With such diseases, it is necessary to maintain your immunity, to prevent colds. Doctors prescribe antibiotics to stop the infection from spreading.

Treatment with the "Tonsilor" apparatus is recognized as effective. With the help of a vacuum nozzle, purulent plugs are sucked off, the tonsils are washed, and the oropharynx is treated with antiseptics and ultrasound for disinfection.
