There are many reasons why families start looking for a nanny. However, many people do not want to contact recruiting agencies and want to find a suitable candidate without intermediaries. There are several ways to find a nanny for your child.

Before starting an independent search for a nanny without intermediaries, describe which one you imagine the most suitable candidate. After you understand your requirements, start searching.
You can consider the following options:
- find a nanny through friends;
- offer your relative to look after the child;
- look for a nanny by ad.
Finding a nanny through friends
The surest way to find a good and reliable nanny for your child is through a recommendation. If your friends, relatives, acquaintances or neighbors have used this nanny themselves, they can recommend her as a qualified and responsible worker. Decent, executive, attentive nanny is highly valued.
The main disadvantage of this method is that a nanny that suits your acquaintances may not suit you. This can happen due to the difference in the age of children, their character, individual characteristics and other reasons. It may not be very convenient to refuse the babysitting service that your good friend or acquaintance has kindly recommended to you.
A relative as a nanny
You can try to hire your relative as a nanny for the child. The main advantage of this method is that you hire a loved one with whom you are familiar, knowing his lifestyle, habits and character.
Often, a relative nanny does not require a large reward, sometimes she is pleased with the very communication with the baby, and she gladly looks after him for a symbolic fee.
This method is very convenient for a poor family that cannot pay for the services of a professional nanny. Negative moment - often nannies-relatives begin to feel entitled to give various advice, which they are not asked, and to interfere in family affairs.
Nanny by ad
If acquaintances and relatives could not help with anything, you can find a nanny by advertising on the Internet or in newspapers. When you search the Internet, you should visit specialized sites. They have a handy search engine that will quickly help you choose the right candidate without leaving your home.
If you still could not find a suitable candidate, submit a private advertisement for looking for a nanny. In this case, you can use the Internet services or place an ad in the newspaper in the "Required" section.
In order to correctly formulate your proposal, do not forget to indicate the child's age, the nanny's work schedule, your place of residence (city district) and the requirements for the candidacy (her character traits, education, age, experience of working with children of the same age).
It is also worth clarifying the salary.
Before leaving your child with the nanny, be sure to rewrite the employee's passport data, or better, make a copy of the passport. Get in touch with people who can confirm her conscientiousness. And the first week, try not to go to work to observe the interaction of the nanny and the child. After all, if she does not have good contact with your baby, it is better to start a new search.