If Your Child Spits

If Your Child Spits
If Your Child Spits

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Every day, parents have to deal with hundreds of different children's habits, ranging from the most innocuous to the inclinations that can be harmful to health. Among them there are those from which parents now and then have to blush in the garden, on the playground or at school. One of them is the child's desire to spit.

If your child spits
If your child spits


Step 1

It's funny, but such a craving of children for spitting can become both a manifestation of aggression, a kind of secret weapon, a desire to express dissatisfaction with a selected toy, a swing competitor, a mother who does not pay attention to the baby for too long, so it can be a banal craving for a child to learn the world, use the gesture you like. It is known that bad habits tend to stick more easily.

Step 2

Psychologists advise parents not to focus on this gesture, and even more so not to use slaps on the lips. Regular ignoring of such antics will show the child a complete lack of interest of others in these manifestations. In the end, the child will simply get tired of constantly spewing saliva.

Step 3

If such embarrassment occurs on the street in the direction of strangers children, you should not immediately shout at the child. Try to provoke the baby to verbally apologize to the spit, hold a conversation about his behavior, but do it in private, without attracting the attention of strangers. Having a sufficient level of parental authority, it is very easy to overcome the harmful cravings of the baby with a simple manifestation of mentoring.

Step 4

Psychologists suggest trying to apply the substitution technique: just react not to your own child who spat at someone, but to his victim, paying attention to her and showing support in every possible way. The kid must understand that by offending others, he does not draw attention to himself, but, on the contrary, pushes the adult away. However, it is important to know when to stop, otherwise the aggression of your baby may manifest itself with renewed vigor.

Step 5

Another quite effective method of teaching is the harmless threat of not having a present for the New Year, due to the fact that Santa Claus does not visit harmful and disobedient children who spit at their parents and acquaintances. Or a play with a pacifier, which you promise to put into the mouth of your "little" son the next time you spit, which is clearly not to his liking and will cause laughter from his comrades.

Step 6

In case the kid uses spitting at the dinner table, ask an uncultured family member to come out. Think about it, maybe spitting is a manifestation of boredom and inattention on the part of dad and mom, a kind of way to manipulate "naughty" and always busy parents, try to spend more time with your child, occupy him with something more interesting than spitting.

Step 7

Little parenting tricks plus a little patience - and you will soon be able to overcome the problem from nowhere. Believe me, over time, these difficulties will be overcome with a successful choice of approach, boundless love and mutual understanding.
