Raising a child is a rather complicated and lengthy process. And if a boy is born in a family, parents do their best to instill in him masculine qualities from childhood.

Step 1
Give your baby more independence. To raise a real man, you will have to get used to the fact that your child will quickly become independent of you. And you even have to contribute to this process, since this is the quality that is important for boys. Let your son, for example, choose his own clothes, explain that he is responsible for his toys, and so on.
Step 2
An example for a son should be his father. If you want to bring up certain qualities in a child, be sure to show them by the example of the head of the family, because it is him that boys imitate. In the event that the mother is raising her son alone, use your father or another relative / family friend as an example. The main thing is that he is really suitable for this role.
Step 3
Instill respect for women. This is an important quality of a well-bred boy, and subsequently a man, and he needs to be raised from early childhood. Explain how to treat mom, sister, grandmother, kindergarten and school girls. The son must understand that girls are weaker, they need help and protection. At the same time, it is important not to oppose the two sexes to each other.
Step 4
Don't forget about affection and other expressions of affection. Boys, like girls, need to feel parental love. When raising a man, you should not deprive your son of warmth and joy in relations with his parents.
Step 5
Support his interests and never impose yours. It doesn't matter that you dreamed of a son-fighter, but he decided to play the piano. Any creativity should be approved by parents, even if they are not quite happy with the choice. Let your child try himself in different areas, let him choose what he really likes and suits.