How The Birth Of Children Affects Life

How The Birth Of Children Affects Life
How The Birth Of Children Affects Life

With the advent of a baby, a lot changes in the family. But rarely, when future parents are fully aware of the upcoming changes. Much more often, they only in general terms understand how they will have to change their lives. The birth of a baby brings both difficulties and joy to the family.

How the birth of children affects life
How the birth of children affects life

Difficulties for the young dad

With the arrival of the baby, the wife's focus will shift from the man to the child. The first months of the baby's life, his mother is literally absorbed in taking care of him. There is no time or energy left for the husband. Dad will have to put up with this.

At first, he may feel an acute lack of attention from the mother of his child. There will be much less sex too. The husband will have to be patient. Over time, the baby will take less and less energy from his mother, there will be time for both communication and sex. Although this will still be less than it was before the birth of the baby.

Another difficulty for dads is severe lack of sleep. It happens that the husband goes to sleep in another room so as not to wake up from the night crying of the baby. The main thing is that it was a temporary measure, and dad did not stay to sleep separately for many years.

Another difficulty for dads is their increased financial responsibility. With the advent of the child, the family lives mainly on the income of the husband. It is simply impossible to remain without a livelihood: a nursing mother needs to eat well, and her baby constantly needs to buy, for example, diapers.

Difficulties for a young mother

Unlike her husband, a young mother is physiologically attuned to her child. She wakes up immediately at any time of the day, as soon as the baby begins to cry or even move. It's not that hard at first. But over time, the effect of the accumulation of fatigue plays a role: it becomes more difficult to get up at night. It is much more difficult for mom to leave for rest than for dad: she is attached to the baby by the need for feeding. Therefore, her rest is possible only in between.

A woman will have to master a new role - the role of a mother. This role imposes a lot of responsibility. The mother is responsible for the life, health and development of the child. Realizing this can be difficult. It takes time.

Difficulties for both parents

Both parents will have to adapt to the baby being the center of their family. Mom went to the store or even to the shower, dad took care of the child and vice versa. The whole family life revolves around the baby.

Young parents do not have to completely abandon their usual way of life. It just needs to be adjusted to the needs of the baby. For example, if parents like to go hiking, they can take their child with them. At first, these will be one-day trips, when the way back and forth will have to be timed to coincide with the child's day regimen. Of course, young parents cannot afford to sit by the fire until late at night. At least one of them will have to sacrifice this for the sake of the child.

Joy for dad

The very fact of the appearance of a third member in the family, while looking like parents, is a pleasure. However, fathers begin to experience the joys of communicating with a child much later than mothers. The psychology of men is so arranged that they begin to realize their paternity when the baby is already growing up and begins to communicate and play. But what an indescribable joy it gives dads to teach a child something and see how he then applies the acquired skill. At this moment, dad says with pride: "This is my son!" or "this is my daughter!" - and this means "I taught the child this."

Joy for mom

A woman begins to realize herself as a mother rather quickly. A feeling of endless love appears in her life. At the same time, if you need to look for a beloved man, then here she herself created an object of her love, and sometimes adoration.

The joy of both parents

An incomparable joy for both parents is the feeling of love from the child. Words cannot express the feelings that parents experience when the baby begins to show his love for them. And over time, this childish sincere and disinterested love will be more and more - the child will begin not only to hug, but also to say: "Mom and Dad, I love you!" The main thing is not to spoil the relationship with him as the child grows up.
