All parents need to prepare themselves in advance for the time when the child reaches adolescence in order to know how to act calmly in a given situation.

Step 1
Always be open to communication with your teenager. He must be sure that he can turn to his parents on any issue, without meeting premature criticism and reproaches. Therefore, stay calm and reasonable. Support your child and do not leave him unattended in difficult times.
Step 2
Teenagers are going through the time of growing up, therefore, they demand respect for themselves, they do not tolerate when they continue to communicate with them as with little ones, they require adults to talk on equal terms. The time for upbringing is over, the teenager can be given unobtrusive advice, share personal experiences and delicately guide him along the right path. Enforcing requirements and instructions is useless. You can only negotiate with a teenager.
Step 3
The teenager must learn independence and responsibility. Expand his personal space, impose new obligations on the child, let him learn responsibility by fulfilling any important assignments related to the family, at home. Encourage your teenager to participate in family meetings, ask his opinion for reasons or other issues.
Step 4
No matter how the child strives for independence, always be ready to help him. You should not blame them for stupidity and inexperience. That is why parents exist, to help their child at the right time. You should not punish him by leaving one in a difficult situation, be there and the next time the child will immediately come to you for advice to avoid possible problems.
Step 5
All people make various mistakes in their youth, thus, a person studies the mores of people, gains experience. Do not try to protect your child from mistakes in every possible way. Parents cannot protect their children from the world forever. When faced with real adult life, the first serious problems and setbacks can quickly overwhelm a person.
Step 6
Trust your children. Do not arrange interrogations with addictions about the child's personal life, his friends, hobbies, do not impose, do not be offended if the child does not want to discuss any topics, does not find time specially allotted for communication with you. Invite them to do something together, as this makes it easier to start and maintain a casual conversation.