It is not easy to find encyclopedic materials about parenting, because they do not exist at all. On this topic, you can find the basics of psychological tests, research results, statistics of behavior, but there is no clear guidance or instructions. Why? The fact is that a child is a creature with a refined perception of the world and to control him with the help of a number of specific actions means to completely break his subtle mental structure, which will immediately affect his personal qualities, and most importantly, will affect his entire future life.

Consider, for example, future men at a very early age. The wrong behavior of parents can lay fear in the child's psyche, develop complexes, instill self-doubt. Here you should dwell on the above, since it is the behavior of others that lays the foundation for the baby's character, his perception of the world. This includes communication between parents, interaction with relatives and friends of the family, as well as with strangers. In this case, using the example of parents, there is a development of children's relations with each other and the formation of their social perception.
Boys, after their mother, look at men second. Moreover, not only for dad, but for all men, since women, except for the mother, do not exist for them. They, like a sponge, absorb their manners, habits, even gait. Therefore, speaking about upbringing, you should first of all pay attention to yourself in order to be an example for the child. Since the son is not yet able to think analytically, it remains for him to collect information. And adults, who are not deprived of such an opportunity, need to provide this information in an accessible, and most importantly positive, way.
It should be noted that severe restrictions, constant prohibitions and similar influences on boys from infancy will act depressingly. In the future, an internal conflict of disagreement may develop, which can lead to imbalance and an incorrect reaction to any "no" or "no way". It is better to give the pupils maximum freedom of action without lowering the control bar. This will have a positive impact on your baby's self-confidence and self-esteem. Again, demonstrating power over him or attempting to subjugate will have the opposite effect.
The harmonious development of children, in addition to their individual characteristics, largely depends on the model of the environment in which they grow up. It is extremely important for adults to keep this environment comfortable for the child. The concept of comfort includes, first of all, the totality of well-behaved intra-family relations and due attention to the smallest family members.