In today's world, children do exactly what they want. They are capricious and do not listen to adults, they can hit their own mother, etc. Such children lack a sense of respect for their elders, i.e. respect. This quality is formed in a child over the years, so there is no way to make him respect adults in one day or month.

Step 1
Raise your child consistently. Often, when raising a child, both parents have disagreements. For example, one parent forbids the child to watch TV after 10 pm, while the other, on the contrary, allows it. At the same time, both parents can call each other all sorts of bad words, losing their authority in the eyes of the child. It is impossible to cultivate respect in a child in such an atmosphere. We need to learn to respect, first of all, ourselves and each other. And to resolve disputes in the absence of the child.
Step 2
Treat others with respect. To build respect in your child for parents, older sisters and brothers, caregivers and adults, show your child by example that you need to help the elderly and greet adults.
Step 3
Do not argue with your parents. Many young families now live with their parents, who constantly interfere with the upbringing of children, reproach. In turn, young mothers and fathers do not remain in debt, responding with rudeness to any statement by their elders. The child absorbs all this into himself like a sponge, perceiving such behavior as the norm. Therefore, to avoid conflicts between different generations, try to live separately. At the same time, regularly visit the grandparents of the child, call them in front of the child and ask about their state of health, take an interest in their life in order to show the child respect for parents by personal example.
Step 4
Be strict, but at the same time kind parents. Do not spoil the child too much, allow him to do everything. In this case, the child will not understand what respect for elders is and will not obey. Use the carrot and stick method. Only you can do without the whip, replacing it with serious, understandable for the child, conversations and explanations.
Step 5
Limit the child's freedom of action: Be clear about the boundaries of what is permissible, since the child does not yet know what is good and what is bad. Of course, you will have to say the same thing to him several times a day, but the patience of parents at a younger age will bear fruit in an older one, namely, respect for parents.