How To Make A Child Respect Themselves

How To Make A Child Respect Themselves
How To Make A Child Respect Themselves

Table of contents:


A child's respect for the people around him, their work, opinion and personal life begins with respect for his parents. But it cannot arise from scratch, respect must be started to be instilled from the first days of a baby's life.

How to make a child respect themselves
How to make a child respect themselves


Step 1

To force a child to respect himself, first of all, do not follow the common statement "He is afraid, then he respects." Fear and respect are completely different things. If a child obeys you only for fear of punishment, obedience may disappear as he grows up or, worse, turn into rebellion. And respect for other people may never be formed in him.

Step 2

But there should always be punishment for bad deeds. Otherwise, he will think that everything is permissible for him. In this case, respect is out of the question. After all, the child will consider only himself and his desires as the main thing. Don't hit the kid. It will be more effective to simply put him in a corner or prohibit him from playing his favorite game for a while.

Step 3

Try to ensure that your words are never at odds with your deeds. This applies not only to punishment for serious misconduct, but also to rewards. If you promised to go to the movies with him, do so. If it doesn't work, give good reasons and be sure to go later. So the child will always be sure of the firmness of your words. And the promised punishment too. By such actions, you will not only instill in him respect for your words, actions, but also set an excellent example of the firmness of the given word.

Step 4

Don't lie to your child. After all, children can also feel the truth, and learn to lie from the people around them. Once they catch you lying several times, they will stop trusting your words. And, therefore, respect them too.

Step 5

Respect your child. Namely: his desires, needs and hobbies. When deciding something for him, try to ask his opinion too. Do not consider him a priori a silly childish whim. In this case, the child will not then shout that he is not obliged to respect anyone, since no one is interested in his opinion. Remember that the behavior of children is in some sense a reflection of the behavior of their parents.
