What Is The Moral Education Of Children

What Is The Moral Education Of Children
What Is The Moral Education Of Children

We all want our children to grow up responsible, benevolent, hardworking, generous. It is these and many other qualities that determine the moral upbringing of our children. But the reality is that often the development of these qualities is left to chance, and children grow up the way they grow up. So what should you pay attention to in this topic?

moral education of children
moral education of children

First, let's define in which areas of our lives morality plays the most important role.

Here, the person's idea of himself, his self-esteem, comes to the fore. Am I good or bad? Am I hardworking or not very? Am I a worthy person? What do I deserve in this life? Adequate self-esteem largely determines the next point.

A person treats people arrogantly or with acceptance and love. Friendly or aggressive, sincere or disingenuous.

Sloppiness or responsibility, hard work or carelessness, purposefulness or laxity.

Am I generous or greedy? Thrifty or spender? Envious or unselfish?

Having decided what questions should be asked in order to keep the vector of development of morality, let's move on to the stages and methods that will help us raise moral personalities from our children.

1. Acquaintance with morality. Initially, this requires the very idea of good and evil, what is good and what is bad in different situations. At this stage, the child should have a desire to follow good deeds, walk a good path, and become part of a friendly world. This is the formation of an emotional attitude and in no case should it become a requirement. Moral education of children is the instilling of taste, inspiration, inspiration to the child.

This stage begins from the moment the child begins to understand speech. And here to help us all the diversity of the centuries-old culture of mankind: from ancient times to modern art. Theaters, movies, books, cartoons - each of these sources contains an incredible amount of human actions, thoughts and feelings. And the important thing for parents is only to carry out the qualification of those works that their child encounters almost from birth.

2. Visibility of moral actions. The second stage here is the environment in which the child lives, what values he encounters and how this is assessed by his close environment. No wonder they say that it is necessary to educate oneself first of all, and not a child - he will still be like you. Talk to your children more about the values in which you live, what you see around you. And even more often show clearly with your own actions how good is different from evil, how good and hard work are rewarded.

3. Anchoring. At this stage, the child himself is already an active participant. He manifests himself, learns to correspond to himself and his ideas about the world. Here good habits are reinforced and character is nurtured. The child himself learns to evaluate what is happening next to him and correspond to this assessment. At this time, the support of others is very important. And maybe help if you need it.
