For many parents, the behavior of children at the table is a big problem. Table etiquette is not some kind of separate etiquette, no. He should teach the child, like everything else, by his own example and from early childhood. If a parent constantly walks around the apartment with a piece, has a snack on the go and the child sees it, then what can we talk about?

From early childhood, the child should be accustomed to the regime. Even if the child really wants to eat, then it is necessary to teach him or her immediately neither to whine, nor to grab the first piece that comes along, but to be patient a little, to wait until everyone sits down at the table. And the parent, in turn, should not immediately give up everything and start feeding the child - this is wrong. Of course, we are not talking about very small children who are fed on a schedule.

Personal example
This problem should be tackled gradually. When you are sitting at the table with a child, you yourself should be an example to him: eat correctly, observing etiquette, be able to use cutlery, not talk, drop food, and thank for food. Never raise your voice at a table. Do not do this especially when the child is not doing something. For example, a child cannot properly hold a fork, it does not work for him. You'd better remove it, and then, after dinner, show that he did not like that. Tell us about safety precautions and it is better if he practices a little himself on toys, for example.

The prohibitions are the same for everyone
You should never do what you forbid your child to do. It is no secret that many parents simply cannot imagine watching TV without eating. So, if you watch TV with a plate or a cup, then the child is unlikely to listen to you when you forbid him to do it. Do not break the rules that you set yourself. Do not have the habit of persuading children to "eat a spoon for …". What for? So that later, without these games and persuasion, your child does not sit at the table at all? Do not do that. The food should be tasty and then the child himself wants to eat it. You should not "push" it into your child's mouth if he does not want to eat. If this happens, then as a result, the child simply does not want to sit down at the table and it will be more difficult to teach him good behavior at him.

Common table
At the time when your child began to sit down at the common table, do not forget to praise him. You can praise a lot: he eats correctly and accurately, uses a napkin, holds a fork and spoon correctly, thanked his mother or grandmother for a delicious lunch and much more for what. We must constantly remember that the rules of table etiquette should be commensurate with the age of the child. You cannot demand from a small child what he simply cannot understand yet. If you see that the child cannot or is too early to use the same proverbial fork, then do not demand this from him. Don't cause anger or tears - save that for later. Be realistic about your requirements. For example, if you are visiting or in a public place (bar, restaurant, cafe), then you should teach the child, observing etiquette, to sit with everyone until the end of the meal. Well, if he is at home, then you can deviate from this rule and while adults are eating, let him play with other children in the children's room or with toys himself, so that he does not interfere at the table.

Each parent should know how to properly educate the child's behavior at the table, using their own or someone else's rules. But one thing he must always remember is that the best example for the child is himself.