Do Children Copy The Behavior Of Their Parents

Do Children Copy The Behavior Of Their Parents
Do Children Copy The Behavior Of Their Parents

From the first days of life, a child is surrounded by adults: parents, grandparents, and other relatives. Therefore, it is not surprising that he tends to imitate adults, copying their behavior.

Do children copy the behavior of their parents
Do children copy the behavior of their parents

The main contribution to your child

Knowing this childhood feature, psychologists advise parents to be more attentive and critical of their behavior. After all, it is the parents who make the best contribution to their child. This concerns not material means, but above all behavior. A child, entering the world, mastering it, begins to interact with other people, adopting the model of behavior that he sees in the family.

Often, kindergarten teachers can observe during the game between children how they transfer the scenes that they see at home every day to their team. In particular, this applies to the game of mothers and daughters.

Clown experiment

Back in the 60s. 20th century child psychologist Albert Bandura, through an experiment, proved how strong the influence of adult behavior and communication in a given situation on a child.

Bandura made a short film with a rubber doll - a clown. In his film, the doll is kicked and kicked by an adult woman. The movie was shown to a group of schoolchildren. For the second group, the psychologist prepared a plot in which the woman does not perform any aggressive manipulations with the rubber clown. The third group of children was not shown any video at all.

Then schoolchildren from three groups were allowed into the room with the rubber clown. Children from the first group began to mock the doll, imitating the behavior of the woman from the video they saw. When Bandura expressed his point of view that children are happy to copy aggressive behavior, this statement was greeted with distrust. Psychologists have questioned the truth of the results of Bandura's experiment.

Then Albert Bandura made a similar film, only instead of a clown there was a live person. And the guys who watched the mockery of him began to mock the living clown. Only with even greater cruelty and aggressiveness.

So the bandura psychologist proved that children tend to copy the behavior of adults, especially negative ones. No wonder they say that the bad clings faster than the positive. First, these are their own parents, then everyone else.

Further proof of the theory of imitation can be found in the animal kingdom. One has only to observe the relationship, for example, in the feline family. Adults introduce babies to life and teach them by example. It is worth remembering that children are, first of all, a reflection of their parents. It is impossible for a child to demand cleanliness and order in the room if he sees the opposite during his life. And so in everything.
