Can Parents Become Friends With Their Children?

Can Parents Become Friends With Their Children?
Can Parents Become Friends With Their Children?

Every self-respecting parent dreams not only of the role of mom / dad, but also of the role of a friend for their child, but not everyone has any idea how to achieve this.

Can parents become friends with their children?
Can parents become friends with their children?

Types of parents

Today, there are several types of parents - parents who take care of the child, and parents who urge the child to be responsible.


Parents who guard the child are not guardians in the usual sense of the word. They don't run around him and wipe his snot every time they sneeze. They try to occupy his time with circles, sections, and try to spend maximum time with the child, not realizing that the older he becomes, the more independent he should be.

Such parents interfere in the life of their child, in relationships with classmates and friends, determine what is good for him and what is bad. With all this, they do not think that such a manner of upbringing creates an insecure person who in the future will not be able to make decisions on his own. Also, a child raised in this way will not think about the consequences of their decisions.

Giving freedom

The second type of parents are parents who try to instill in their child a sense of responsibility and independence as quickly as possible. Therefore, they try to expand the limits of the child's possible responsibility. They do not impose their decisions on the child. They try to make the child understand that he himself must choose circles, based on his tastes and preferences.

How to become a friend for a child: a few rules

  1. The very first and most important thing to remember is that you cannot support the side of the child or the school in controversial situations. That is, the correct parent-friend should act as a judge, not accepting either side.
  2. In no case should you criticize your child out of laziness. As recent research shows, lazy kids simply don't exist. Therefore, if a child is lazy or refuses something, it is necessary to determine the reason for the refusal. Who knows, maybe the child has attention deficit disorder. In this case, the child will only do something with the parent.
  3. Also, you cannot react negatively to poor performance or poor grades. Here, too, it is necessary first to understand the reasons for poor academic performance. It is possible that the child needs some help with the items. Maybe the child cannot find a common language with the teacher.
  4. One more point - you need to help your child with homework and help him to collect a backpack.
  5. And the last, but very significant point - you cannot compare a child with other children!
